Support for children
We provide speech and language support, emotional support and special educational needs support if required
Speech and Language Support
We use a number of methods to support your child’s speech, language and communication. We screen every child using WellComm and provide individualised support based on the screening. There are also activities parents/carers can use at home. We will share these via Tapestry but please ask if you want more information. Where necessary we will involve our Special Educational Needs or Disabilities team and they will work with you to support your child further. Please see the SEND section for more information.
Emotional Support
If we feel your child needs further emotional support, we will provide nurture sessions.
Key Person
Your child will be given a key person who will get to know you and your child best. Some groups are lucky enough to have two key people.
Additional support
If we think your child needs additional support our Special Educational Needs and Disability team will get in touch. The team will work with you to provide your child with the support and outside agencies we feel will help them best.