Need support? (we can help)

We are here to help. Don’t suffer in silence. If we cannot help, we will know someone who can. We can access grants, food parcels, school uniform etc. but can also help if you just feel like you cannot cope and need to talk.

Contact us in confidence at or on 01216757578

Early Help

Early help is the total support that improves a family’s resilience and outcomes or reduces the likelihood of a problem getting worse.

We are trained to support with Early Help and work closely with the Erdington Early Help team who are from Compass Support.

Our Erdington Early Help Team are:

  • Operational Lead – Shamsa Mughal
  • Co-ordinator – Caroline Leahy
  • Community Connectors – Rachel Perks, Nora Young
  • Family Support Workers – Sharon Gordon, Kajol Desangh, Devina Henry

Contact: 0121 748 8199 or

In Birmingham there are three big things to support the Early Help model.

  • Build capacity in the community and then connect families to this capacity to help them to be more resilient
  • Schools, nurseries and further education are critically important so there is a need to grow teams around education settings with named professionals.
  • In each locality connect all the agencies that are supporting early help

So overall, Birmingham are significantly increasing the volume of support that families can access, which will improve their resilience and support specific needs.

Please get in touch if you feel you can benefit from some support.

We use Right Help, Right Time Guidance to assess family needs from Universal Needs (what every child and family should access) to Complex/Significant Needs where a family will need the support of statutory social work intervention or highly specialist services to prevent significant harm to or serious risks to a child’s health, or welfare.

Family Connect Form

You can complete a Family Connect Form yourself to get support from different services. You can find the form using this link and scrolling down until you get to ‘Family Connect Form – self-identification.’

It will ask for some details from you and about what you would like help with. The form will also ask for your locality, which will most likely be Erdington. You can check your postcode using the link too if you are not sure. This will mean that the right services can be contacted to support you and your family. The following sectors are connecting together in ten localities: community, voluntary and faith sectors, health, family support, social work, police, schools, further education, nurseries, children’s centres, health visitors and GPs.

Please get in touch if you feel you would benefit from some support. We can also fill in this form on your behalf.

There is lots of support out there. If you click on the link below you will find support from Birmingham with Love:

  • Online parenting course
  • Mental health support
  • Financial help
  • Domestic abuse
  • Problems with drugs or alcohol
  • Bereavement support
  • Early help for families

Mental Health

MHFAIf you would like support with your mental health, we have trained staff in Mental Health First Aid. You can speak to Christina Meakin, Niki Lynch or Kate Bateman. This can be over the phone or in person. We are always here to listen and can signpost you to other services if needed.

If you or a family member are under the age of 25 and need support with mental health, you can make a referral to Forward Thinking Birmingham. You can find more information on the link below.