What are the term dates?
Click here for School term dates
Please follow the link below for the Birmingham School Term Dates, but please be aware that we will have staff training dates throughout the year. Please check with the office on 01216757578 or help@castlevalenursery.co.uk for confirmation of these.
We are also a polling station so close for children on voting day.
How will you help my child to settle?
We hope to help your child settle as best as possible, which often means we have to help you settle as best as possible too. In this we ask that you work alongside us, but also trust us. If you’re in any doubt with what we do, just ask.
Depending on when throughout the year your child starts, you will be invited to a play session. This is an opportunity for us to get to know your child and yourselves a bit and for you to try leaving your child if you haven’t before. Even if you leave them for five minutes, they get to learn that you come back which can be a worry for young children. It’s also an excuse for a lovely play.
We carry out a home visit before any child starts. The home visit is for us to see your child in an environment in which they feel safe. Children are always different at home than at school. It is also nice for your child to meet their teacher in a safe place. On the home visit we will agree a start date.
On your child’s first day, we will do everything we can to make them as happy as possible. However, some children take a while to settle in to school. This is normal but can be very distressing for parents/carers. Children always settle in time and we have tons of experience, if you are at all concerned talk to us.
How can I put my child’s name down for nursery school?
Telephone the School office or pop in and see us. You can register your child at any age – the sooner the better, just bring your child’s birth certificate or red book.
When will I hear if my child has a place?
We should contact you well before the term in which your child is eligible to start Nursery School. If you haven’t heard from us, please get in touch. Remember to let us know if any of your details change after you have registered your child.
What should I send my child in?
Our children wear a uniform. This means that all children will be in similar clothing which is inexpensive as learning is a very messy business. We will always support you to access uniform if you need. Our uniform is: purple jumper or cardigan, t-shirt or polo and black bottoms. Joggers and leggings are fine. Please label everything including coat and shoes.
It helps if your child can pull their clothes up and down and take them on and off by themselves. Belts, dungarees, playsuits, hi-top lace up trainers etc. look very nice but do not allow your child to be independent. Simple Velcro shoes or wellies are ideal footwear. Please label your child’s clothing and always send a spare set.
Your child will only be able to learn if they are comfortable. Please send them in comfy clothing suitable for the weather.
We go outside in all weathers, please send a coat and or waterproofs for your child.