We want to support all of our children, not just those in our school
We do this through our partnerships, projects and programmes.
Making a difference. All of our children, all of the time

We are proud to be one of the partners leading an Early Years Stronger Practice Hub as part of the Department For Education Early Years COVID Recovery programme.
We are Heart – Early Years West Midlands Stronger Practice Hub. Helping Early years practitioners to Apply Research into Teaching and learning.
We will:
- provide advice
- share good practice, and
- offer free evidence-based professional development for early years practitioners.
Find out what we can offer here: Heart Stronger Practice Hub

We also lead on Birmingham Early Years Networks for the Erdington and Sutton districts in Birmingham.
The Birmingham Early Years Network is a place for the whole Early Years Community to connect, collaborate, and communicate.
It is a place to build professional partnerships in order to develop pedagogical practice to improve educational outcomes for the young children of Birmingham.
Find out more here: Birmingham Early Years Networks

We lead on Birmingham Developing Local Provision project for the Erdington and Sutton districts in Birmingham.
Birmingham Early Years Developing Local Provision project is about supporting children under 5 in their setting.
We will work with settings, parents and families to improve outcomes for all our children under 5 including those with Special Educational Needs and or Disability.
We will work to improve uptake of Early Educational Entitlement, Good levels of development and successful transition into setting and school. Watch this space…
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Bye butterflies 🦋
Our caterpillars have completed their metamorphosis and are now beautiful butterflies.
Our children have loved watching them change and were so excited to see them fly away.
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Jul 7

It is National Insect Week and our caterpillars have arrived!🐛🦋
We have set up lots of opportunities throughout nursery for children to talk about and identify the features of different mini beasts.
We will be keeping an eye on our Caterpillars as they progress through their metamorphosis and discussing this process with the children.
#nurseryschool #eyfs #earlyyears #eyfsideas #earlyyearsteacher #earlyyearseducation #castlevale #castlevalenurseryschool #castlevale #birmingham #birminghamnurseryschools #insectweek #minibeasts #understandingtheworld #understandingtheworldeyfs
Jun 21

Our children and staff had such a brilliant time at Sutton Park this week.
The children popped on their sun hats and off we went on an adventure. Our fantastic team planned a fun filled day and set up 4 different stations for the children to enjoy.
We went on a bear hunt and were able to find so many features of the story in the park.
The children got their hearts pumping and muscles moving by running up a hill and doing lots of other physical games.
Our Forest School Lead, Trudy, created her own mini Forest School in the park.
We retold the story of The 3 Billy Goat’s Gruff and trip trapped over a bridge before having a little walk through the stream and then feeding some ducks.
We finished off each trip day with a tip top in the sunshine.
Thank you so much to all of our staff and parents for making this lovely experience possible for our children.
#100brilliantdays #nurseryschool #eyfs #earlyyears #eyfsideas #earlyyearsteacher #earlyyearseducation #castlevale #castlevalenurseryschool #castlevale #birmingham #birminghamnurseryschools
Jun 16

Last Friday we were lucky enough to have a visit from @jaycesworld18 📖
Jayce wrote 2 books at the age of 4 and he came into Nursery to read them to our children. Jayce played with the children, they discussed how he wrote his book and talked about using their imagination.
It was so lovely to spend time with Jayce and his Mom. Our children have been so inspired by this visit and have even begun the process of writing their own book. #100BrilliantDays
May 25

Happy World Book Day📚
To celebrate the children are voting for their favourite stories and will be reading the book that the children have chosen at story time.
It is also book day meaning that our children will be going home with new reading books for them to enjoy as well as a World Book Day token.
Mar 2

Yesterday we took some of our children over to Topcliffe Primary School to watch their Reception class do their nativity performance. We got to see lots of our ex pupils perform and were so proud of them. It was also a lovely chance to start talking about school with our current children.
Dec 8

Come along to the Step by Step stay and play run by the Developing Local Provision Project at Castle Vale Children`s Centre on Friday at 1pm. There is a no booking required to attend and our friendly staff will be able to support you with any questions you may have about your child`s development.
Oct 4

Research shows that children benefit from daily sharing of high-quality stories and poems from a young age: they learn language faster, enter school with a higher vocabulary and become more successful readers (Mol et al. 2008).
From the start of nursery, children should have lots of opportunities to engage with books and be provided with a range of high-quality books to choose and read (in their own words), as well as to share with an adult.
We have a story time every day where children have a ‘story of the week’. Our story of the week is one of our core books that children can also look at independently in the reading area. So that children can listen to the same story at home too, we will be posting videos on tapestry of staff reading these books as well as giving parents ideas of things they can do at home too.
We have also carefully selected books that children can access independently. Children will be able to experience books read at story time and will also have access to a selection of books and supporting resources during child initiated play.
Sep 29

Today was our first day of play sessions and we got to meet our lovely new starters for the first time. We had lots of fantastic learning opportunities available that meant there were lots of children who didn’t want to leave when their hour was up. We look forward to seeing them again tomorrow☺️
#nurseryschool #eyfs #earlyyears #earlyyearsteacher #earlyyearseducation #castlevale #castlevalenurseryschool #castlevale #birmingham #birminghamnurseryschools
Sep 7

As many of you may know Isaiah, an ex pupil of ours, has been fighting a brain tumour for many years now. This Thursday we are all going to wear a rainbow to raise money for him and his family. So get all of your brightly coloured clothes ready! Donations are welcome and we will have buckets on the gate. If you would like to donate via their go fund me page here is the link https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-isaiah-get-hes-wishes?qid=2c9db4299ae92dc430015002511713bf
Jul 11