We want to support all of our children, not just those in our school

We do this through our partnerships, projects and programmes.

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Making a difference. All of our children, all of the time

Sally Leese

We are proud to be one of the partners leading an Early Years Stronger Practice Hub as part of the Department For Education Early Years COVID Recovery programme.

We are Heart – Early Years West Midlands Stronger Practice Hub. Helping Early years practitioners to Apply Research into Teaching and learning.

We will:

  • provide advice
  • share good practice, and
  • offer free evidence-based professional development for early years practitioners.

Find out what we can offer here: Heart Stronger Practice Hub

Sally Leese

We also lead on Birmingham Early Years Networks for the Erdington and Sutton districts in Birmingham. 

The Birmingham Early Years Network is a place for the whole Early Years Community to connect, collaborate, and communicate.

It is a place to build professional partnerships in order to develop pedagogical practice to improve educational outcomes for the young children of Birmingham

Find out more here: Birmingham Early Years Networks

Sally Leese

We lead on Birmingham Developing Local Provision project for the Erdington and Sutton districts in Birmingham.

Birmingham Early Years Developing Local Provision project is about supporting children under 5 in their setting.

We will work with settings, parents and families to improve outcomes for all our children under 5 including those with Special Educational Needs and or Disability.

We will work to improve uptake of Early Educational Entitlement, Good levels of development and successful transition into setting and school. Watch this space…

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Tapestry is back up and running everyone 😊 ... See MoreSee Less

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Hi everyone, our internet is back on so our phones are working again - you can contact the main nursery line, thank you. ... See MoreSee Less

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Our phones are down. If you need us, please contact us on 07561706122. Thank you 😊
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Our Living Eggs are hatching! 🐣
Come and join us today no need to book
We are looking to recruit to our team for some exciting new projects. Are you interested in joining us as our new Assistant Head Teacher? If so, please contact us at recruitment@castlevalenursery.co.uk or on 01216757578
Yesterday we took some of our children over to Topcliffe Primary School to watch their Reception class do their nativity performance. We got to see lots of our ex pupils perform and were so proud of them. It was also a lovely chance to start talking about school with our current children.
Today our children will be going home with one of these lovely bags for them to collect Autumn goodies in. The children will bring them back to Nursery on Monday and we will explore our new found treasure together.
Come along to the Step by Step stay and play run by the Developing Local Provision Project at Castle Vale Children's Centre on Friday at 1pm. There is a no booking required to attend and our friendly staff will be able to support you with any questions you may have about your child's development.
Free new and used uniform. It will be used as soon as your child has come to nursery school anyway 😊. Learning is a messy business. Come along and help yourself.
As many of you may know Isaiah, an ex pupil of ours, has been fighting a brain tumour for many years now. This Thursday we are all going to wear a rainbow to raise money for him and his family. So get all of your brightly coloured clothes ready! Donations are welcome and we will have buckets on the gate. If you would like to donate via their go fund me page here is the link https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-isaiah-get-hes-wishes?qid=2c9db4299ae92dc430015002511713bf
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